Oil, Climate and Net-Zero 2050: What do Albertans Think?
The UN reported that net zero pledges from local governments and business have roughly doubled in less than a year. Canada has introduced a bill that would legally bind the government to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. But what do the people of Alberta think?
This week, our guests – Linda Coady, the executive director of the Pembina Institute, and Janet Brown, a pollster and political commentator – share the results from a poll of Albertans commissioned by the Pembina Institute.
Here are some of the questions they asked: Is Alberta too dependent on oil and gas? What is the cause for the decline in investment in Canada’s oil and gas industry? How effective have efforts from the Alberta Government been in enhancing the reputation of the province’s oil and gas sector? And, do Albertans support or oppose the federal government’s net zero 2050 goal?
See Pembina Institute’s press release on the polling titled “Two thirds of Albertans support reaching net-zero emissions by 2050”, including the detailed polling results.
See the Energyphile vignette on hybrid products that have smoothed the energy transition in the past: “Easing into a New Energy Paradigm.”
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