Entries by ARC Energy Research Institute

Fighting Climate Change with Nature: A Conversation with Duncan Van Bergen from Shell

This week our guest is Duncan Van Bergen, Vice President of Nature Based Solutions for Royal Dutch Shell. What exactly are nature-based solutions?  Duncan explains how Shell is harnessing nature to help achieve Shell’s ambitious GHG emission reduction targets. We learned that nature is a powerful weapon in the flight against climate change. Here are some […]

Is Canada Ready for the Hydrogen Economy?

A recently published Transition Accelerator report suggests that hydrogen could represent a $C 100 billion per year economic opportunity for Canada. This week our guests are Dan Wicklum, President and CEO of the Transition Accelerator and David Layzell, Research Director at the Transition Accelerator, Professor and Director, Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research (CESAR), University of […]

Sustainable Recovery: A Conversation with Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA)

This week we have a special guest,  Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the IEA.  Dr. Birol provides his global energy perspectives, both on the current situation with the pandemic and how the future may unfold.  Here are some of the questions that Peter and Jackie asked him:  Has oil demand peaked?  Does the pandemic speed up or […]

Saskatchewan Innovation: A Conversation with the Honourable Bronwyn Eyre, Energy and Resources Minister

Saskatchewan has an abundance of natural resources. The province is already well known for the production of oil, natural gas and uranium. It soon could be known for extracting hydrogen, helium, lithium and other elements across the periodic table. On this week’s episode, the Honourable Bronwyn Eyre gives us an update on Saskatchewan’s established and […]