Oil: I’m Not Dead!
Some Canadian Federal politicians are claiming that oil is dead, never to return from the COVID-19 demand collapse. Instead, oil is alive and kicking. It is reminiscent of the famous Monty Python plague scene when someone tries to drop off a live body. With half of the world’s population under lockdown, oil consumption fell just 30 percent. Now, with restrictions lifting, demand is bouncing back.
On this week’s episode, we also discuss the divestment of four oil sands producers by Norway’s sovereign wealth fund. Finally, we talk about how North American oil production is declining from COVID-19 and the serious implications for continental energy security.
See the Energyphile abandoned gasoline pump: https://energyphile.org/vignettes/?vid=V0144
See Peter’s commentary on the energy security implications of less North American oil production “The Biggest Energy Transition.”
See the upstream oil and gas holdings of Norway’s sovereign wealth fund at the end of 2019: https://www.nbim.no/en/the-fund/holdings/holdings-as-at-31.12.2019/
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